Charlie Feng

Full Stack Software Engineer

Oakville, Ontario


About me

After pursuing the knowledge at Mohawk College that a software engineering diploma had to offer, I decided to put my passion and energy on web development. Implementing a toggle function or retrieving certain data from API can be sometimes nerve-racking and nail-biting, but alway exhilarating when you made it.

I am a Full Stack Web Developer building my own version of digital world, and my current goal is to become a proficient version of it which requires a significant learning curve. “Your enthusiasm of learning is tremendous” is a quote about my passion for learning made by a previous leader at Evenica.

I want to be good at figuring out complex systems, possessing a combination of very broad knowledge and I can take the wholistic view of the entire problem, and specific knowledge in a few areas, so I can figure out how to establish a broad base and where to go deep. Through extensive practice using a wide range of tools, I aim to develop a deep familiarity with the systems I am working with on a daily basis.

My Projects

Icon Generator

SaaS Project for generating icons using the DALL·E API

  • Next.js
  • Next AUTH
  • TypeScript
  • PostgreSQL
  • tRPC
  • Prisma
  • Tailwind CSS
  • AWS S3 Amplify

Mobile Math Game

A Full-Stack Mobile App with user authentication and authorization capabilities

  • React Native
  • Node.JS
  • Express.JS
  • SQLite
  • Redis

Historic Villages

A App allows user to search the direction towards the Historic Villages sites in Oakville

  • JavaScript
  • BootStrap
  • Map API

GitHub Dev Finder

A communicative application for users to search for developers at GitHub.

  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • GitHub API

My Skills

My Experience

Contact Me

Please contact me directly at My Email or through this form. Click on My Calendly if you are interested in a quick call.